Dandelion Clock
Lyrics and Chords
INTRO ; Dmin C Cmin Gmin Dmin C Cmin Gmin Bbmin Ab G7 C Dmin
Dmin C Cmin Gmin Dmin C Cmin Gmin
I’m the dandelion clock that you hold to your lips
Bbmin Ab
That you hold
As if
To kiss
Amin G Gmin Dmin
All my worldly goods
Amin G
Little wishes
Gmin Dmin
Fmin Eb D G
Silently waiting for the day
A7 Dmin
You blow me away
F F#dim C
Blow me away
I’m the dandelion clock that you hold to your lips
That you hold
As if
To kiss
All my worldly goods
Little wishes
Silently waiting for the day
You blow me away
Blow me away
Alternate Tunings
D A F# D A D
( The F# in this tuning is low, so its best to use an A string guage and also a D string guage for where the G would be)