A collection of lyrics and chords
for the music of James Grant


The Dreaming Sea

December 13th, 2009

Lyrics and Chords

Cmin             Gmin        Cmin    Gmin

The dreaming sea flexes in the lilac light

Bbmin       Fmin                   Fsus4    Fmin

You’re the moon and I’m the tide

Cmin               Gmin

Cradle my head

Cmin                 Gmin

Kiss me like you wish me dead

Bbmin       Fmin     Fsus4    Fmin

Breathe life into me

Fmaj7                                               Ebmaj7

Till I feel as though I’ll never sleep again

Fmaj7                              Ebmaj7                                                    Dmin7

And when I close my eyes I feel the whole world swim


Till I don’t know where you end and I begin

Cmin             Gmin                       Cmin                   Gmin

The dreaming sea whispers it’s too late to be saved

Bbmin                    Fmin                   Fsus4    Fmin

The next kiss could be the ninth wave

Cmin               Gmin

The bluff clouds swell

Cmin               Gmin

Raindrops like pennies in a well

Bbmin             Fmin     Fsus4    Fmin

We spiral down into the deep

Fmaj7                                               Ebmaj7

Till I feel as though I’ll never sleep again

Fmaj7                              Ebmaj7                                                    Dmin7

And when I close my eyes I feel the whole world swim


Till I don’t know where you end and I begin

Fmin  (notes F – Eb – C# – C) x3
C#maj7               Abmaj7   x4      Bb

Till I don’t know where you end and I begin


And I begin

Alternate Tunings

D A E F A D (capo 3rd fret)

Copyright Information | Created by The Gate Scotland